Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2018-00264

Case Number:2018-00264
Service Type:Sewer
Filing Date:12/6/2018

Marshall County Environmental Services, LLC

Case Nature:

Failure to File Required Reports

Case Filings
4/11/2019 8:00:08 AM

Letter Regarding Failure to File Required Reports and Civil Penalty

2/21/2019 9:30:28 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. The record of Case No. 2017-00032 is hereby incorporated by reference. 2. The $6,000 fine assessed against Marshall Environmental in Case No. 2017-00032, representing the suspended portion of the $10,000 fine assessed in that proceeding, is now due and payable for Marshall Environmental's willful failure to comply with KRS 278.230(3), 807 KAR 5:006, Section 4(2), KRS 278.140 and the September 28, 2017 Order of Case No. 2017-00032. 3. Marshall Environmental is assessed a penalty of $2,500, pursuant to KRS 278.990( ), for its willful failure to comply with the Commission's December 6, 2018 Order by failing to appear at the formal hearing held January 31, 2019, at which neither Marshall Environmental nor a representative for Marshall Environmental appeared. 4. Marshall Environmental shall pay the assessed penalties, totaling $8,500, within 30 days of the date of this Order. Payment shall be by certified check or money order made payable to "Treasurer, Commonwealth of Kentucky" and shall be mailed or delivered to Office of General Counsel, Public Service Commission of Kentucky, 211 Sower Boulevard, P.0. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615. 5. The Executive Director shall serve a copy of this Order on Marshall Environmental by certified mail.

2/5/2019 12:13:36 PM

Notice of Filing Hearing Documents

12/6/2018 1:32:38 PM

Order Entered: Marshall Environmental shall appear on January 31, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of showing cause why it should not be subjected to the penalties of KRS 278.990 for its failure to comply with KRS 278.140 and 278.230(3) by not timely filing the required reports for the 2017 Calendar year, and for the penalties assessed, and subsequently suspended, in Case No. 2017-00032.